Saturday, December 18, 2010

Muffled, and cosy, and warm

On the train into Copenhagen with my nose pushed up against the window, staring at the homes, the trains, the frozen lakes and ponds, the quartz crystals dangling from the stark, bare winter skeleton trees and reed roofs of old-style houses. All seems muffled and warm and cosy, me too. Even the old man across from me who is wearing a stalactite beard and fine, faded parchment skin on his regal skull, which I can see so clearly, as if his skeleton was dressed up for a fancy dress. Tell me about you life, I want to ask as I count the left over down feathers on his pate. I believe he is a gentle man who has led a gentle life. Of course I might be wrong...

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Anonymous said...

I hope you ask...would love to hear of his life;)

Tommy said...

Great blog! If you're at all interested in music, you can visit mine at

Liz said...

I love people watching-- especially when it involves older people. I always wonder who's hiding behind the wrinkles, since the age can be deceiving of the actual person. I wonder if they're all as gentle/frail as they seem, or if they're just aged jerks. Haha. I work in a nursing home, so I interact with a lot of older people and it allows for a lot of questions.. :)