Some more green good news: 'mothercityliving' posted a comment (thanks!) on this blog yesterday drawing attention to yet another green magazine to hit South African magazine shelves. Printed in full colour on recycled paper, Shared Earth magazine is to be distributed nationally and will be available from 1 November.
According to readers can expect "wide-ranging, expert coverage that's lively, informative and on the cutting edge, making Shared Earth the definitive magazine for the growing number of South Africans who are eager to live sustainably and self-sufficiently".
Every month readers can expect something on each of the following topics:
Alternative Energy (the latest information on solar, wind, biodiesel, biogas and other renewable energy options available to South Africans), Do It Yourself (lots of plans, tips and techniques covering a wide range of useful projects), Green Building (in-depth information on natural building methods including log, straw bale, adobe, earth-sheltered and cob homes; solar designs; energy-efficiency and more), Green Transportation (info on better ways to get around, including comprehensive vehicle buyer's guides), Farming and Smallholding (expert advice for smallholders, including guides to farm machinery, outdoor power equipment and much more), Nature and Environment (inspiring articles that help readers enjoy, explore and protect the environment), Organic Gardening (comprehensive articles on the systems, methods, tips and benefits of growing organic fruits and vegetables including permaculture, no-till farming, composting, vermiculture, edible landscaping etc.) and Self-Sufficiency & Frugal Living (tips and information to help you lead a happier, leaner life and become less reliant on others).
I can't say much more than that - from the website - the magazine is to be published by Fishhoek-based Shared Earth Publishing.
Info: Tel/Fax: +27 21 782 3401

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