What makes the Elands Valley, on the outskirts of Waterval Boven, exceptional is the Elands River and the Elands River Falls (the second longest in the province), the 116 -year old NZASM railway tunnel and its imported, turn-of-the-century dressed stone, the longest span of electricity cabling in the world, the nearby Five Arches Bridge, not to mention the imposing and ever-present sheer red sandstone cliffs (which makes Waterval Boven an immensely popular international climbing destination).
According to Gustav Janse van Rensburg's climber's guide, 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Crags', The NZASM (Nederlandsche Zuid Afrikaansche Spoorweg Maatschappij) tunnel was constructed (1892) as part of the Eastern railway line connecting the South African Republic to Delegoa Bay (Now Maputo) in Mozambique. The only other point to get in contact with with the outside world was Durban harbour, which was still occupied by the British.

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