Thursday, September 10, 2009


When the door opens make sure you walk through it. I should have left Grahamstown early yesterday morning. I felt compelled to make a few calls before leaving to follow up on conversations in the hurried, passionate stream of the conference. Thank God that I did: I spent the entire day meeting with passionate and dedicated journalism professionals who are backing me fully with the newspaper endeavours. The ideas are endless and, despite an average of five hours sleep a night, my energy seems boundless as I return, always, to my Source.

I spent last night at Historical Cottages, in 1 Scotts Avenue just off Main Street, two minutes walk from the university. I highly recommend this B&B that is the collection of buildings that formed part of a military HQ commissioned for the British government and built by Piet Retief between 1820 and 1823.

The group of buildings consisting of accommodation for six officers, 180 rank and file, 12 horses, a powder magazine, and commissariat stores extended from High Street to New Street and was originally surrounded by a high stone wall, parts of which still stand today.

Contact Roswitha Hobson on +27 46 622 8936 for more info and to book.

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