I've just heard that yesterday's inferno in the Schoemanskloof and Kaapsehoop area put Christo of the Kaapsehoop Horse Trails into ICU in Nelspruit. He was trapped in a firebreak between two raging infernos while trying to rescue horses. From what I can gather neither him, nor the horses, nor the stables were touched by the fire.
I also heard that the fire completely destroyed the home of a good friend who lives in the forest. Again no lives were taken. My heart goes out to him....
Just after hearing this, I receive the following in my inbox:
Precious I have taught you that nothing in the world is stable. You are living in an unstable, fluctuating world. It is the sign of the times with rapid growth and rapid change. I have taught you that all will fail unless I hold it up. I alone must be your Source. Simply trust that I hold your future and your hope. I yet remain changeless and faithful, true and loving. I AM your beloved Father and I will take care of you, My child. Your faith is strong as you have learned how to lean on Me. You are doing fine. Don't worry about life, just live it.

1 comment:
These words are so true and were in my inbox this morning, too. I'm reminded of God's Words in Matthew 6:27: 'Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?' Beautiful! And anyway, it's not good for your health! :) So, 'don't worry, be happy' and live life to the full - moment by moment - because you never know when it will be your last. Your life is a gift!
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