Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Rough or smooth

It's a beautiful day outside. Although a winter's day, I know this season has seen it's ass, is on its way out. I'm not up long in the morning before the first light touches, like a lover, the eastern sky.
But I'm sitting next to a heater in my bedroom, where I come to regularly during the day to sit in silence and breathe. I have a 'daily hours' regime (in the best sense of the word) that sees me unlock from the world, and from technology. It's part of my desire to simplify and streamline my life. To live.
On that note, the pilgrimage guide I ordered online arrived last week after a slight delay. But I've been so busy that I couldn't even open it. I'm doing that now. I'm yearning to be on foot on the road to Santiago.
The book is John Brierley's 'A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago'.
In the intro he writes:
"This guidebook is dedicated to the awakening of human consciousness. It was born out of a midlife crisis and the perceived need for a time to reflect on the purpose and direction of life. We have a sacred contract, a divine function and reason why we came here. Pilgrimage provides an opportunity to delve deeper into that purpose and the time to reorientate our life towards it's fulfillment. We have been asleep a long time, but alarm bells are ringing for young and old and there are signs that we are collectively waking up. There is a new yearning to break free from our self-imposed imprisonment.... May your journey be blessed along your chosen path - rough or smooth, long or short - whichever route you take, know that you are loved and your destination is assured. God speed Ultreia!

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