Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tree hugs

Yesterday, on our way out of Johannesburg and just before collecting the Sept 10 newspaper from the printers, Harem and Anton gave us a Huilboerboon (NTN 202) - Weeping Boerbean or iHluze (Zulu) - tree.
Anton had bought it spontaneously near Rustenburg, only to realise it won't survive the Highveld's winter extremes, especially not frost. We're optimistic that this stretch of Middleveld will be more conducive to its health and longevity.
It's described as a handsome and popular, well-shaped tree with a rounded to fairly wide-spreading crown of glossy dark-green foliage that is beautiful coppery-red in spring.
And rich in nectar, they attract pollinating birds and insects.
"The tree busses with activity as birds squabble over abundant nectar that drips to the ground below."
Welcome to your new home tree, I look forward to you out-living me.

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